Tuesday, December 9, 2014

2014 Naughty or Nice Pub Crawl

2014 Annual
Naughty or Nice
Pub Crawl
December 23 @ 7pm
$20 Donation
Prize for naughtiest & nicest costumes!
Starts at Clyde's in the
Reston Town Center
FOOLS KOOZIES for the first 50 people to join us!
Northern Virginia Firefighters Pipes & Drums will lead the way! Wear your lids!
Fund raiser ticket drawing (gun raffle AR15 & shotgun) by the members of Fairfax County Fire Station 21/A to help brother fireman Rob Schoenberger's daughter. Come early to see if tickets are still available ($10/each)
Sober Ride program available and rooms at the local hotels available! Have a designated driver and remember to have fun responsibly.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

New 2015 Executive Board Officers Elected

After holding elections at our meeting yesterday, the following members have been elected to the Executive Board. The new officer positions will take effect on January 1, 2015.
President: Danny Keyes
Vice President: Scott Schermerhorn
Secretary / Treasurer: Austin Bigdely
Training / Education Trustee: Jeremy Mader
Brotherhood Trustee: Andrew Carver